
If you like to support GNUnion and its sister projects financially please do send not more then 15 unit (euro, usd, ytl, etc.) in form of the currency valid in your country, to below account.

The amount sent by the peers to show solidarity will only be used to cover project related costs. The amount over due will be shared with sister projects we collaborate or donated to other projects sharing floss, p2p, commons, and/or hackers’ ethic and principles.

Account details and all the transactions will be published  on the GNUnion website on the first day of every month here : https://gnunion.wordpress.com/flosscoop/

Name:  O. Senalp

Account No.: 0678 1157 96

Bank name: ING B.V.

IBAN: NL20 INGB 0678 1157 96


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